Title: Shirley Created Art 504 - Chinese Xieyi -281: Autumn - April 14, 2010 |
Artist: Shirley Zhang |
Size: 34.00cm x 70.00cm (13.39inches x 27.56inches) |
Completed Time: April 14, 2010 |
Remarks: This is my 281stChinese Xieyi Painting and my 504 painting since 2003. Also, it is the 30th (49th) painting (practice) that I have created in 2010.
I created this painting in my art lesson Wednesday everning after I came back from a traveling in Guangzhou.
I felt good for the long-term art learning and training has given me a very peaceful heart, not matter what has happened in my life, I can keep a calm heart to paint, ever though right now, the situation that my eyes cannot see clear is getting serious and I have to get up very early in the morning, to catch the limited seveal hours that my eyes can see better before 10:00am...
It seems like I do need a vacation, to leave from my computer for a while, to go to the great nature for a while, right?
How do you think of this painting? Do you like it?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, welcome to write to shirley@ebridge.cn or shirleyz004@yahoo.com ,you can also publish your opinions on Message Board . :-)
--Shirley Zhang Sat, April 18, 2010