Title: Shirley's Art Works-1467-- Chinese Xieyi 864-- My 704th Assignment of CNAA & the 306th One of the Second Phase-Oct 12,2020 |
Artist: Shirley Yiping Zhang |
Size: 33.00cm x 33.00m( 12.99inches x 12.99inches) |
Completed Time: Nov 12, 2020 |
Remarks: This is my my 1467th Chinese paintings since 2003,the 864thChinese Xieyi Painting, my 704th Assignments (the 306th Painting as an candidate of Degree of Master of Fine Arts ) in Chinese National Academy of Arts.
During I worked on my paper, besides reading a lot of ancient art theory books and contemporary scholars' papers, also I pained some paintings with different styles, to understand Chinese ancient artists' ideas and painting techniques...
So, this painting's colors and lines are different from the others.
How do you think of it? Do you like this kind of style?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, welcome to write to shirley@ebridge.cn,you can also publish your opinions on Message Board . :-)
---Shirley Yiping Zhang Nov 28, 2020 |