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Some Friendly Responding From Friends Jan 26-March 7, 2010
I am lucky enough to get so much friendly help and support from all of the friends and readers of the little web site. At the time that I am changing Shirley's World to be E-bridge Inter-art & Cross-culture Learning World, with a grateful heart, I would really like to share some of the responding From Jan 26, 2010 to March 7, 2010 with you and hope to bring you a big smile or some helpful.

You are welcome to send your questions, comments or suggestions to:
Message Board . :-)   

I will be happy to read them with a big smile.

Take care and thanks, have a good new day.

--Shirley Zhang

March 7, 2010

A Good Explanation About "Reach Out of the Whole World" By Mr. Lars -- from Danmark -- March 7, 2010 (Extract)


Reach out to the whole world means that everybody on this planet can be a person to communicate with, someone to hear about and hear from, if people like to of course ... let us all be part of homo sapiens as a family, whether you belong to this part of the world or your part of the world, or for that matter you are living in Africa or South America or on the moon ... life is for all of us in the whole universe, and we are inter-connedted as human beings who have different points of views, cultures, habits, ideas, personalities, specialities etc. etc...

Good day to you Shirley


A Good Responding from Tevfik from Turkey -- March 7, 2010 (Extract)

Hi   Shirley,

I am keeping all your mails from the begining. They are like a topic.

I am so glad about your helth and happiness.

It was a big examination, which you had. In our holly religions book KURAN,God says,   we will have many exams while we were living, and will test by helth, richness, poorness, our welth and and close relatives.

Hope to hear from you soon .than good bye


A Good Comments from A Professional Artist Jean P.B. from France -- March 5, 2010 (Extract)

Hello dear Shirley,

How are you?

I looked at your paintings I find it is beautiful! on the bee painting that you have transformed into a butterfly I found this well is original it dared and is very well!


A Friendly Comments from Mr. Khan M. from India -- March 5, 2010 (Extract)

I have visited your website too. It is simply wonderful. Your flowers and birds and fantastic, transparent and elegantly painted.


A Good Comments from Jean M. from France -- March 4, 2010 (Extract)

Hello my very dear Shirley,

I am thrilled that you finally have your new pair of glasses.

I find you have a wonderful stroke of a pen and of brush.

I adore the details of your paintings and the colors you use. I think that your drawings have magnificent.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Your sincere friend.


A friendly Responding from Mr. Kostas from Greece-- March 3, 2010

Hi, Shirley

Thank you for the card, hopefully you will have also a happy Chinese new year, full of peace and health!


A friendly Responding from Jean M. from France-- March 2 2010

Hello my dear Shirley,

I thank you enormously for your beautiful letter.Your paintings are always so splendid.

I love the pastel colors, but the painting on a green background, it enhances your painting.

I love your double on pale yellow background.

Kiss you tenderly.


A Good Bless from Mr. Donald from the US --March 2, 2010

Good luck to you.


A Knowledgeable Responding from Dr. Booth from the US-- March 1 2010 (Extract)

Dear Shirley:

I know how at the New Year here is the tradition of presenting people who work with you and for you are presented with the RED BAO.   I think it is a nice tradition just like giving money in red envelopes to new brides and grooms rather that household gifts such as we do in the West.   

I attended one wedding which was quite spectacular the Brides Father was a very wealthy Stock Broker and the Father of the Groom was a big Ship Builder so it was very lavish and she had three ceremonies, one was Civil which was presided over by Chiang Wego, Wei-Kuo one of Chiang kai-Sheks sons, for which she wore a designer gown in Cream and she had on a set of ring, bracelet, earrings and necklace of diamonds, and rubies which obviously cost a lot of money probably more than one hundred thousand US dollars, the second was the Traditional Chinese Wedding with here dress being Red and she wore a lot of gold chains which I understand were gifts from her family and was that ceremony was presided over by a Buddhist Priest and the third was a Western style Wedding where she wore the traditional long White wedding dress with a pearl necklace and earrings.   There were 2000 guest who were seated at 200 tables in the Sheraton Hotel Ballroom.   It was a very beautiful wedding with the aisle which she and her brides maids walked down was lined with mirrored column about 3 feet tall and they had silver candelabras with white candles and bouquets of pink roses at each level there must have been about 40 of these stands and it was beautiful.

I was the guest of a General from the Air Force in Taiwan where the wedding was held as he was a friend of the Bride's Father so we were seated at the front row of tables between the Bride and Grooms table and that of the son...
Dr. Bill R. Booth   

A Friendly Responding From Mr. Floyd D. From the US   -- March 1, 2010 (Extract)

hi shirley,

I enjoy reading your experiences and have learned much from you about life and china, i admire you very much, i see you are very beautiful and highly intelligent..

It really opens a persons eyes and mind when they face death.. it makes some things become more important, and other things less important.   

Life must be lived in happiness and a peacful mind. that is the best for your health..

You make beautiful paintings and i love flowers and trees. have a great week.


A Friendly Responding From Ms. Camillia F. From the US   -- Feb 28, 2010 (Extract)

Hello Shirley

I love reading your e-mails every week.   You are an inspiration to me.   Your love for learning awakens and deepens my desire and love to learn.   

I enjoy viewing your pictures.   They are always so calming, serene and peaceful.   With the world running around at a fast pace and my heart yearns to savor the moment, your pictures always cause me to pause and reflect.   The swirl of information in my mind slows down and I am finally able to comprehend it all.   Thank you for always sharing your experiences.

I am in awe at your accomplishments and success..   Heavenly Father has given you many great talents and I can see you will do many great to help others with those talents. I wish for you the best.   Have a wonderful week!


A Friendly Responding From Mr.John D. From Canada   -- Feb 28, 2010 (Extract)


I am so pleased that you can resume to work and fulfill the objectives for your company. You will find this to be most rewarding and satisfying, to once again contribute to the company's well-being.

Best regards to you,


A Friendly Responding From Mr.Floyd D. From the US   -- Feb 28, 2010 (Extract)

Hi Shirley,

I enjoy reading your experiences and have learned much from you about life and china, i admire you very much, i see you are very beautiful and highly intelligent..

i am glad your health is doing really opens a persons eyes and mind when they face death.. it makes some things become more important, and other things less important.   life must be lived in happiness and a peacful mind. that is the best for your make beautiful paintings and i love flowers and trees.

have a great week.


A Friendly Responding From Mr. Noel J. From Burma   -- Feb 25, 2010 (Extract)

Hello Shirley,

Thanks so much for your email. I hope you are well and
in the best of health. Hope the coming year of the Tiger brings you happiness, joy, wealth, good health and prosperity for you.

Till then Bye and Best of Regards.

Your Dear Friend in Christ


A Friendly Responding From Dr. Rong L From China -- Feb 25, 2010


元宵快乐!读了你上一封信,心里很多感触!那个典故是“梅妻鹤子”的故事吧,很理解你的心境!但我认为每一天在你心里都是阳光的,美好的! 一定提醒你多注意身体哦!头痛的问题你回来给我电话,一定找个专家看看 ,对了,你的画真的很美!希望能办个画展!


A Good Advice From Mr.Lloy M. From Sweden -- March 23, 2010 (Extract)

Hi, Shirley,   

I must say again Shirley why do you not have   books on your work. It would be nice if you assembles all of your articles and sceneries over the years and print hundreds of books.

You could be a very famous woman in doing so because your articles and sceneries are always interested.

Have a great day,


A Friendly Responding From Mr. Don C. From the US (Extract)-- Feb 22, 2010

Dear Shirley,

Thank You for the fantastic art work. The pictures surely present the soul and spirit of the Artist. They like you are beautiful in depth and color. It saddens me to hear that your eyes have not improved. Please keep all your admirers and friends informed.   


A Friendly Responding From Ms. Liao From China (Extract)-- Feb 22, 2010(Extract)



A Friendly Responding From Mr. Pavesi G. From France (Extract)-- Feb 21, 2010


I am filled with admiration for you, for the faith which you have in your country. See kept silent, every country has its qualities and its defects.

I, a small FRENCH, I am really in love with your country. If GOD lends me life I shall visit him(it), this country which quite the holy writings name(appoint)


A Friendly Responding From Mr. Donald E. S. From the US -- Feb 21, 2010

Please do as you will in the comming new year and good look and GOD bless you.


A Friendly Responding From Mr. Greg S. From the US -- Feb 20, 2010

Hello Shirley:

Thank you for the wonderful greeting card and nice paintings.   They are very beautiful as always.   

I hope your New Year holiday has been very relaxing and enjoyable.   However, it is not good to hear the news that your eyes are still bothering you greatly.   I really hope your doctors can reach a conclusion quickly as to what the problem is and how to treat it.   Our eyes are so important to us!

Please have a great week as you return to work after the Spring Festival.   I hope you will have a large red bag from your boss but above all, I wish you a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!

Best Regards,

- Greg

A Friendly Responding From Mr. Frederick R. From the US (Extract)-- Feb 20, 2010

My dear friend,

I do hope that all has been well with you.

May God be with you always. In your coming out or your going in, may He always be with you.



A Friendly Responding From Mr. John B. From Australia-- Feb 20, 2010

Hi, Shirley,

Hope   life is good for you to   keep smiling   be happy   


A Friendly Responding From Ms./Professor Li From China (Extract)-- Feb 20, 2010



     我明天开始得静下心来完成自己的工作任务和提升自我修养。要做的事情很多, 应该向你那样,专心致志做好自己的事,开心幸福地过好每一天!



A Knowledgeable Responding From Dr. J. Darragh M. E. From Canada (Extract)-- Feb 19, 2010

Hi Shirley:

Pancakes come from a special flour mix that is then mixed with milk and stirred. After that a large spoon is used to place some of the mixture in a well buttered frying pan. Then the mixture is fried. When bubbles appear you turn it over and a nice light brown to the now fried dough appears. A minute or so on the other side and the pan (frying pan) cake (flour mixture) is done. Then you take it out, put it on a plate, put butter on it, and then pour maple syrup over it. It is served with bacon or even just by itself. Instead of maple syrup, you can serve them with strawberry jam or blueberry jam and so on. Also any syrup can be used, but the most preferred syrup is maple syrup. Maple syrup is made locally here. It is made from the sap of the maple tree which predominately grows only in eastern Canada and a little in the north eastern United States.   The Province of Quebec is the largest producer of maple syrup with the Province of Ontario coming next.

Shrove Tuesday, is the day before the commencement of Lent. Lent is the period leading up to Good Friday - the day Christ was crucified. The tradition is that you give up something for the Lent period. On Shrove Tuesday, it is also a tradition to serve pancakes. This tradition goes back hundreds of years to the Middle Ages.
In March we will be getting days where the temperature is above zero and this is when the maple sap begins to run up from the ground and into the maple trees. Then they are tapped and some of this sap runs into either pails or plastic tubes which then run into holding tanks. In either case the sap is then boiled down. It takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup, so many people now use evaporators run by propane gas. However, others use very large cauldrons on a tripod that hangs over a wood fire to boil the sap down to syrup. If you continue boiling the syrup the next stage it can become maple taffy. This is achieved by taking a ladle of the hot, now very thick syrup and pouring it over the snow. The cold snow turns it to candy which this type is called taffy. Continue boiling this now very thick syrup and it then becomes maple sugar. At night the temperature falls below zero and the sap stops running into the trees. When the days are warm, and the night is also above freezing, then the sap turns bitter and the maple syrup season is at an end. This season lasts for only about three weeks.

When the pioneer settlers first came to Canada, they had no sugar, and it was the Indians who taught them how to make sugar.

All my best,


A Knowledgeable Responding From Mr. Frank F. From the US (Extract)-- Feb 19, 2010

Hi, Shirley Happy New Year and Valentines Day to u too.


A Knowledgeable Responding From Dr. J. Darragh M. E. From Canada (Extract)-- Feb 18, 2010

Hi Shirley:

Well, I am glad that you are happy now after all the trials that you have had to go through recently.

Tuesday, was Shrove Tuesday or pancake day.

Yesterday is the beginning of Lent and it is called Ash Wednesday. Our church had a service, and for that I gave our minister a cross which was made by a friend out of old, rusty barbed wire. It is quite scary as it immediately invokes the Crown of Thorns which Jesus wore to his crucifixion. It certainly brought out the emotion in people to whom I showed it, and so as Lent is the beginning of the time leading up to Jesus' crucifixion it was the appropriate time to bring it out and display it.

In North America, although I am not sure about elsewhere, everyone becomes Irish for the day, so as to have the good luck of the Irish rub off onto them. So, everyone wears something green on this day - March 17th. Many go to pubs and drink "green beer". There is usually quite a lot of singing Irish tunes, so the parties can get quite lively.

All the best, and a Happy New Year.


A Responding of From Mr Easley From US, Feb 17, 2010:

Hppiest Lunar New Year !
Happy (Belated ) Valentines Day !
My Friend

A Responding of From Mr James K. From India (Extract) Feb 17, 2010:


Thanks for the mail. I hope u enjoyed the New Year.

here all is well. Please take care of ur eyes. They are important. have good rest and relax.

God bless u

A Responding of From Mr Steven W. From US (Entract), Feb 17, 2010:

Hi shirley,

I just listened to you singing,you have a beautiful voice.

take care,


A Responding of From Mr Gary J. From US, Feb 17, 2010:

Hi Shirley,

I am glad that you enjoyed the holidays and got some rest.

You have traveled a lot this year and need to spend some time relaxing.

It is good that you are well and can take time to enjoy your life.

Happy Chinese New Year!


A Responding of From Mr Donald C. From US, Feb 17, 2010:

Dear Shirley,

Enjoy, Enjoy the New Year's Holidays and may all your dreams come true. If we did not dream there would be no future. You are so busy, I wonder if you ever find time to really rest. Perhaps your extreme work schedule some how provides those needed benefits.                  

I predict in the future your country will claim you to be   "A National Treasure."         

I am honored to know you.   Please stay healthy and creative.

The best for A New Year and dreams do come true, yours shall.


A Responding of From Mr Giulio. From Italy, Feb 17, 2010:

Carissima Shirley,complimenti per il tuo interessante lavoro.

Se vuoi, posso farti partecipare ad alcune mostre in Italia.
Fammi sapere notizie.

Ciao Giulio

Dearest Shirley, congratulations for your interesting work.

Look, you can participate in some exhibitions in Italy.
Let me know news.

Hello Giulio

A Responding of From Mr Hailang C. From China, Feb 17, 2010(Extract):



海浪 恭祝


A Responding of From Mr Greg Sample From the US, Feb 17, 2010(Extract):

Hello Shirley:

It was so nice to see your newsletter and to learn you are enjoying your Spring Festival time.   I think you have another week remaining so please continue to rest and enjoy your free time.

I think you have made a good decision to remain at home and to relax during this holiday.   Your last several months have been filled with many hardships for your self and your family.   So, I think you need this time alone now.   Of course, this has provided you time for your hobbies for which I know you derive great pleasure.   It was very enjoyable for me to read your letters and to see the pictures of you and your friends.   I could see that you all had a wonderful time together.

Zhu ni chun jie kuai le!   Gong xi fa cai!

Best Regards,


A Friendly Offering From Eddie L. From the US, Feb 16, 2010:

Dear Shirley,

Did you try product yet...I try to contact with LION's ?肴?lt;子? International Board Club members to buy their opinion ?   As far as I know, its involving technology might be the most breakthrough for Vision Technology in 2010.   Save your vision to spare your meaningful life in art.


A Responding of From Mr Kai From Germany, Feb 16, 2010:

hi and hello shirley...

my name is kai, and i thank you again for the sweet mail...

it is very lovely to read...

A Responding of From Mr Claud From Canada, Feb 16, 2010:

ni hao ma
wish you an happy new year tooo
take care lovely lady

A Responding of From Mr Johnson Wang From China, Feb 15, 2010:

Hi Shirley!

Thank you very much for your wonderful card!

Happy Chinese New Year! And may 2010 be filled with much health, happiness, luck and success for you!

Sincerely yours,


A Responding of From Mrs. Mary Reichard From the US, Feb 15, 2010:

Did you design that e-card, Shirley?   It's so pretty.

I read in the newspaper that older Chinese people are in conflict with younger Chinese over which holiday to celebrate today - Chinese New Year or Valentine's.   The focus on family is more important that focusing on romantic love in my opinion, but convincing the younger set may disagree!

Happy New Year, Shirley!   

Mary and Joe

A Responding of From Mr. Kai From Germany, Feb 15, 2010:

hi shirley....

take good care for you....
thank you very much for the E-card,
i love the chinese calendar very much...

kai ;_)

A Responding of From Mr. Ravi From India, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):

My dear Shirley,

Thank you very much.

I miss you.

A Responding of From Mr. Jean M. From France, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):

My dear Shirley,

I am very touched by your card, which I find very beautiful, and magnificent music. I thank you enormously.

It's the truth, I find your Tables very beautiful.

I am very happy to receive from news your, of know that your health is better.

I embrace you affectionately.


A Responding of From Mr. Lyall W. From France, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):

Thanks Shirley and Happy New Year and Valentine's Day to you too!

A Responding of From Mr. Claude V. From France, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):

Xiexie   Shirley,   

Xin nian kuai le!

Xin nian hao and et gros bisous (kisses)


A Responding of From Mr.Jim B. From Canada, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):

Hi Shirley

Thank you for your valentine...that was nice of you. I have been following your adventures over the past year. I am glad you have had a chance to sample western culture through your year in the United States.

From reading your newsletter I believe everyone has benefited from your trip. You have gained new ideas to try in your company's business and those people in the USA have grown an appreciation for Chinese art. I certainly did when I visited you years ago and witnessed your talent first hand.

I hope your health problems become resolved in the next year and that you live a long, creative and fruitful life.

Your friend

A Responding of From Mr.Gilbert From France, Feb 14, 2010 (Extract):


Thank you for your Valentine's Card.

Kiss you...


A Responding of From Mr. Clancy M From United State, Feb 14, 2010:


Thank you my kind one...


A Responding of From Mr. Rufus From United Kingdom, Feb 14, 2010:

Dear Shirley,

On the day that people of good hearts wishes their love ones Happy Valentine's Day...

I just want to wish you the same...

May the New Year of the Tiger bring you all your Heart Desire..

Happy New Year...

Love Rufus

A Responding of   From Philippines, Feb 14, 2010:

Hi Shirley, My Dear,

I just wanna greet you a Happy Chinese New Year & Happy Valentine's Day too.

Thank you to remember me all the time when sending letters to all especial friends of you.

Wishing all the good luck to all of us.   

I'm very happy when you always emailing me coz,to tell you frankly, some Chinese people considering my race is an ordinary people to them.

I feel,you are a good heart and I am so much touch in what you doing even you are busy as an executive.

More power Shirley!   
Take care.


A Responding of From Mr. Carl From the US, Feb 13, 2010:

Dear Shirley

Happy New Year to you and to your family. May the New Year be the one that brings you great health, happiness and all the things in life you desire!

Thank you for being my friend this past year and I feel I am fortunate to be able to share just a glimpse in your life.

Tomorrow is Valentines Day here in the USA and it is a special day for someone you love.

Take care and have a wonderful year


A Responding of From Mr. James K. From India, Feb 13, 2010:

Hi, Shirley,

Happy Valentines Day to you also.

Thanks for the lovely card.


A Responding of From Mr.Franyo From France, Feb 13, 2010:

新年快乐 !

A Responding of From Ms. Rita From the US, Feb 13, 2010:

Thank you, Shirley, and the same to you!   What are you doing now, and where are you?   

We sure miss seeing you.


A Responding of From Mr. Isaac. From India, Feb 13, 2010:

Hi Shirley,

So when is the chinese New Year, on a different date from what the world celebrates. So wishing you also a very happy New Year and Valentines day..

bye and take care


A Responding of From Mr. Gary J. From the US, Feb 13, 2010:

Hi Shirley,

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentines Day to you and your family.


A Responding of From Mr. Jeff Zhang From China, Feb 13, 2010:


Wish you and family Happy,Healthy and prosperity in Tiger Year!

Jeff Zhang

A Responding of From Mrs. Debbie B. From the US, Feb 13, 2010:

Thanks for the card, Shirley!!   

I hope you have a wonderful Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day too!   Our friends in Ankang said that they will celebrate the spring festival on Valentine's Day!!   That is wonderful.   It makes me feel that the world isn't quite so big!   

Take care.   I wish you much love and happiness during this happy time!

your friend

A Responding of From Mr. Sid From the US, Feb 13, 2010:

Nin nian Kuaile..


<A Responding of From Mr. John B. From Australia, Feb 13, 2010:

Happy new year to you.

happy valentine.



A Responding of From Mr. Larry C. From Canada, Feb 12, 2010:

Nihao Shirley:

Just want to wish you Xian Nian Quai Le
Happy Chinese New Year !

All the best !

Your friend,
Larry Chapman

A Responding of From a Chinese Student Jill in the US, Feb 13, 2010:


A Responding of From Eeling From Danmark, Feb 13, 2010:


Thanks you and all return to you


A Responding of Hing Wah Hatch From the US, Feb 09, 2010 (Extract):


I am happy to read your letter.   It is very heartening to know of the dedication of your company workers and your show of appreciation to them.

  As to your camera making the green look yellow, maybe it is the lighting in your house.   You might want to try taking your picture in natural light.

   I appreciate you teaching us the poems very much and thank you for singing the latest one without music.   It is very clear and show off your real voice, just like I heard you sing so many times in person here in Springfield.   They were wonderful memories.

   I tried another computer and discovered I can see the Chinese words!   I am happy to learn the poems and I want to try memorizing them.   I am also learning the simplified Chinese too. I want put my old rusty brain to work :)

  Thank you for introducing the world the beautiful and thoughtful minds of Chinese Tang poets. I like your music for the poems too. I tried to sing along, but I cannot sing as high in pitch as you, but it was fun. Your pictures, photographs, songs and translations help me a lot in learning these poems.   Chinese language is fascinating.   It is very visual and I can see many more pictures in a line of Chinese poetry than in English poetry. You made them interesting to learn and easier to remember.

  Always looking forward to your writings and new paintings and another poem!   Your website has so much content.   Thank you for your time and effort.   I know when I come to China to visit some day I will be more prepared and I will understand and appreciate everything more in depth.   

Your friend,
Hing Wah

A Responding of Mr. Donald E. From the US, Feb 13, 2010 (Extract):


Thank you so much for the card,and i hope you have a happy chinese new years.

Always love to you.


A Responding of Mr. Mick B. From France, Feb 12, 2010 :


How are you?FINE?

and a GOOD HEALTH   send to you a lot of beautiful RED ROSES.


your friend


A Friendly Responding from John D. From Canada, Feb 9, 2010 (Extract) :


Any company with the attributes that you have described (Innovation, Enthusiasm, Down to Earth and Humanism) will surely prosper. You are very fortunate to work for such a thriving business.

Best regards,


A Responding of Ms. Wanda R. From the US, Jan 29, 2010:

Dear Shirley,

Hello!   I enjoyed your email again so very much as well as your beautiful paintings.   I can not choose which one l like the best because they are all so very beautiful

Congratulations on having such a popular website.   I know others enjoy your creativity as much as I do.   You are a very special lady.   

I am sorry to hear about your eyes.   I hope you are able to correct the problem.   It seems our eyes change as we get older, at least here in America.   

Thank you again for the wonderful emails.   

Have a great week!

Love and prayers,

Wanda Rudolph

A Responding From Mr. Lloyd M. from Sweden on Mon, Jan 26, 2010

Dear Shirley,

Thanks for your letter and sceneries. I think you should start to publish your paintings and articles in books. I would be happy to buy one of your books in regards to your work over the years.

Take care and have a nice day,


A Responding From Mr. Michael S. from Sweden Jan 25, 2010:

Dear Shirley,

I guess the employees fired for no proper reason will not agree as regards good news. Pity for them and I do not understand this behaviour of your company!

Take care


A Responding From Ms. Josi T. from the US, Jan 26, 2010(Extract):

Hi Shirley.

I have been enjoyed reading all of your emails and just want to send an email to say Congratulation for the news of getting on the top of the search engines. (-- Besides, another good surprise is that Shirley’s World has been listing No. 1 by for 2 years; be listed No. 5 by recently right now. )


A Responding From Mr. Edward L. from the US, Jan 26, 2010:

Dear Shirley,         

Congradulate to you out of all your artwork achievements !

Best Wishes,


A Friendly Offer From Mr. Ronald. from Philippines, Jan 26, 2010:

Hi Shirley,my dear,   

Congratulation for the achievement of the company that you've been working. Congratulation once again for the merit you recieved for Masteral Degree you take in the US.

How about for your eyes my dear?

I just want to recommend to you to take a very good anti oxidant for your body and also for your eyes,no "magic",you not need eye glasses anymore within 3 months of taking it. the name of this anti oxidant is GLOTATHIONE.

Try to take this medicine,you can see the difference of your whole body,I'm gonna telling you my dear,that's true.

I wish for a good health & more success to you,Shirley.   
Good Luck & More Power!


A Responding From Tony of U.S.A., Jan 26, 2010:

Thank you so much for all of your updates. I am so pleased to see you are doing much better. I think I would still like to review your paintings and possibly buy one from you.. they are so beautiful.

Your Friend,


A Responding From James of Indin, Jan 26, 2010:

Thanks for ur mail. It is Indias Republic Day and we are all celaebrating it.

It was good to hear ur good news but very sad to hear ur bad news. Pls check and eye surgeon and get treatment.

God bless u,


A Friendly and Humourous Responding of Mr. Gary J. From the US, Jan 26, 2010(Extract):

Hi Shirley,

I hope you recovery from you illness and that your eye sight returns to normal.   All of us are giving many gifts and talents in life, but the gift of health should be treasured more than any other. Good health is the only gift that really matters.

Anytime our body starts to deteriorate and decay, it is because of the way we live. The body will heals itself provided it can be placed in an environment of love and not business.

Unfortunately, it is the things we enjoy such as work, money, and power that usually destroy our lives. The only cure is to immerse yourself in tranquility, peace, and love. These are the ingredients for good health.

Please let me know when you company develops a index to measure good health and I will congratulate you.   However, for now there are many indexes that measure wealth, but good health is immeasurable.

Get well soon.


A Friendly Responding of Dr. Darragh   E. From Canada, Jan 25, 2010:

Hi Shirley:

First about your eyes. One of the things that can cause sight problems are cataracts. Read through the information contained in this site and see if you have these symptoms.

There is a product here called Visine. These are simply eye drops that can help clear the eye for better vision.

Last week was not the greatest week for me business wise, but it was singing wise.

On a more pleasant front, Last Thursday evening at choir practice, our choirmaster reviewed with me what I would be singing at the up coming Irish/St. Patrick's night festivities. As I mentioned, I will sing Danny Boy, Bless This House, and Pilgrim...

So, it looks like I am going to get pretty busy again with my singing.

Well, better get to work,

Have a good week.

All the best,


A Responding of Mr.Jerry L. From the US, Jan 25, 2010:

Shirley, please see a eye doctor right away. Your eyes are very important. I am glad to here all the positive news on your companies. Sounds like a exciting time. All the best.


A Responding of Jagat From Nepol, Jan 26, 2010:

Hi Shirley,

Thanks for ur ur all arts. Bye now.

