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Chinese Classical Poem 0111 - R.002 & Shirley Created Music-0095-R002: An Autumn Song - Ji Yangzhou Hai Zhao By Du Mu   


Listen to Shirley Singing the Poem in English & Chinese Oct, 2009
Listen to Shirley Singing the Poem in Chinese Sep, 2007

Listen to Shirley Explaining the Poem Oct 18, 2009
Follow Shirley to Read the Poem & the New Words Oct,18, 2009

Learn the Meaning of this Poem With Shirley Together

See Shirley Created Picture for the Poem Oct 17, 2009
See Shirley Created Picture for the Poem Sep 9, 2007

Shirley Written Chinese Calligraphy for the Poem Oct 18, 2009

Autumn is the harvest and missed Season. When the cool Autumn wind is blowing throught in the moonlight, people often think of a family, a friend or a lover in the far away place. Therefore, there are many peoms to express their missing meaning in Chinese poetry history. An Sutumn Song - Ji Yangzhou Haizhao Panguan by Tang Dynasty (816-907) Poet Du Mu (803 - 852) is just one of the excellent peoms.

Du Mu (803-852) is one of the most important representative poets in the later period of Tang Dynasty(816-907). He started to learn the Confucian theory from he was very young. He cared for the society progress and country's fate, wanted to help the poor people. However, he was not lucky enoguh on his career. Therefore, he spent a lot of time on literature writing and made many high accomplishments on many things.

Poetry, especially Jue Ju is his hightest achievement,made him have a same reputation as Li Shangyin, and be called "Little Li Du" (The big “Li Du” is Li Ai and Du Fu) in Chinese poetry history.

Until now, there are about 450 poems and essays of him in the world. I have introduced another two poems for you   and you can review them by the links below:

Classical Poem - 0081 & Shirley Created Music-0071: Tomb-sweeping Day
Classical Poem - 023 & Shirley Created Music 0015: To Yangzhou Hanchuo Official

I enjoy this poem for it does not "Paint Out" a beautiful autumn view in the South of China, express much missing feeling with just 28 words, but also, it has made us hear some beautiful music in the lines, and offer some something artistic out of the poem...

According to what I have felt from this poem, I created a piece of music and wrote a comment in 2005, created a painting and wrote some calligraphy for it in 2007.

Then I re-translated it and sang it in English and Chinese in Sep, 2009, during my art exhibition was holding in the US.

Last weekend, I have re-created the painting, re-written the comments and I re-sang it and made the recording of music and language.

I do hope that my effort will be some help of you to learn Chinese language and cultures.


Green mountains are indistinct,
Blue rivers are flowing far away.
The fall ends in Jiangnan,
the Grass is not yellow.
Twenty-four bridge, Bright moonlight,
where are you teaching people blowing flute?

When I was singing, I corrected something as below:

The mountain is green,
The water is blue,
The fall ends in Jiangnan,
The Grass is not yellow.
Twenty-four bridge,
Bright moonlight,
Where are you teaching people blowing flute?
Blowing flute?


寄扬州韩绰判官--Ji Yangzhou Haichuo Paiguang

      杜牧    -- Du Mu

隐隐迢迢--qīngshān yǐnyǐn shuǐ tiáotiáo,
江南--qīujìn jiāngnán cǎo wèi diāo。
二十四桥明月--ěrshísì qiáo míngyuè yè,
玉人何处--yùrén héchù jiào chuīxiāo。


You are welcome to hit any Chinese word to see its Chinese pinyin, meaning, pronunciation and follow me to read them

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to , or, You are welcome.

Shirley Zhang

Written, Edited and Recorded on Sun, Dec 25, 2005
Re-Edited on Sun, Sep, 9, 2007 & Sun, Oct 18, 2009