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Shirley's Music 317 - Chinese Art Song 0039: A Pure White Rose on the Bank of Heilong River-Shirley Yiping Zhang Sang It in Beijing - Nov 27, 2011


Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Beijing Nov 27,2011

You are welcome to clink any Chinese Character in the lyrics below to see its Chinese pinyin, meaning and   pronunciation,then you can follow the links to enter the New Chinese Board and follow me to read it in Chinese   

This Sunday - Nov 27, 2011 is a special day for me. It was the 9 anniversary since I learned to sing first time from Ms. Ma Xuan in 2002; we recovered our music lesson that had been stopped for 4 years since she came to Beijing in 2007; we had our first music lesson in my little room in Chinese National Academy of Arts in Beijing. :-)

With excited hearts, except vocalizing, we sang two songs.

Now, I would like to share one of them -- A Pure White Rose on the Bank of the Heilong River.

This song is from a Chinese opera Ao Lei •Yi Lan, it speaks a short fragment of a touching story.

In the middle of 17 century. The father of Ao Lei Yi Lan who was a Chinese delegate of Dawuer nation was kidnapped by a Rescissions army. For releasing her father, the brave young girl became the hostage. However, the aggressors broke their promise. They killed her father and jailed the girl.

Took Ao Lei •Yi Lan with them together,this Russian army invaded China. On the road, they met the mother of Ao Lei •Yi Lan and she saved her daughter with her own life.

Worrying about Ao Lei •Yi Lan led her people to fight again them, the aggressors spread a rumor that she had surrendered.

A Russian soldier Ye Fei Mu Ka was touched by Ao Lei •Yi Lan, so that he met Ao Lei •Yi Lan's boyfriend and told him the truth. Both of Ao Lei •Yi Lan and her boyfriend met each other and they led their people to defeat the aggressors.

This song was sung by Ye Fei Mu Ka -- the Russian soldier.

I learned to sing it first time on Oct 15, 2005. This time when I re - sang it on Sunday, I did have so many feelings about the song itself, also, about the recalling when I was the youngest Sweet Little Potatoas a soldier of the Corps in Heilong Jiang Province.

Maybe for the too complex feelings in my heart, as soon as I opened my mouth to sing it, my teacher said that I had found the feelings. Do you know? Ms. Ma did not allow me to pass after I sang another song more than 30 times, but, she said ok after I just sang this song 3 times. : -)

As a part of Chinese cultures, I do hope this story and the lyric will be some help with you to learn Chinese culture and be some assistant data for you to learn Chinese language.

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Beijing Nov 27,2011

You are welcome to clink any Chinese Character in the lyrics below to see its Chinese pinyin, meaning and   pronunciation,then you can follow the links to enter the New Chinese Board and follow me to read it in Chinese   

Main Meaning of the Song

There is a pure white rose
on the bank of the Heilong River,
Ao Lei• Yi Lan girl loves it deeply,
She has sung for it aloud,
She has wept for it as well.

Ao Lei•Yi Lan is a so brave girl,
After going thousands miles,
She came back to her hometown.
Her heart is like a rose that just blooms,
It has never touched by dust, fog and frost.

She loves Heilong River her own land,
She loves Dawoer her own nation;
No matter how much excruciation
And how many whips she has suffered,
She does never duck her proud head at all.

Even though the white rose has withered right now,
Her heroical story would be in my heart forever,
I will take this rose to my hometown,
And let her story be spread everywhere...

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Beijing Nov 27,2011

You are welcome to clink any Chinese Character in the lyrics below to see its Chinese pinyin, meaning and   pronunciation,then you can follow the links to enter the New Chinese Board and follow me to read it in Chinese   

Chinese Characters & Pronunciation:

黑龙白的玫瑰-- Heilongjian anbian jiebai de meiguiua,
-- Aoliyilan guniang shenshen di ai zhuo ta;
-- ta ceng wei zhe zhi hua fangsheng gaochang,
颊 -- ye ceng wei zhe zhi hua lei liu shuan jia。

-- Aoleiyilan guniang yonggan de guniang,
千万家乡 -- zou guo liao qianwan li hui dao le jiaxiang;
她的玫瑰刚刚开放 -- ta de xin xiang meigui ganggang kaifang,
雾尘 -- cong bu ceng zhanran shang huiwu chenshuang。

黑龙 -- Ta rehai Heilongjiang ziji de tudi,
民族 -- Ta reai Lawuer ziji de minzu;
酷 刑-- duo shao hui kuxing,
-- duoshao hui bianda,
颅 -- ta cong mei dixia gaoao de toulu,
颅 -- cong mei you dixia guo gaoao de toulu。

白的玫瑰 -- Jiebai de meiguihua sui yi diao can,
英雄 -- yingxiong de guniang yongji wo xinjian。
家乡 -- Wo yao ba zhe zhi hua dai hui jiaxiang qu,
英雄到处留传 -- hao rang zhe yinxiong de gushi daochu liuchuan。

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.

Written, Translated, Recorded & Edited in Beijing on Sun, Nov 27, 2011 / in Shenzhen, Sun, Dec 16, 2007
Shirley Zhang