Hi friends, last weekend I introduced some useful Chinese words to do with travel. Today the new words are about eating out while in China and I hope you find the new vocabulary helpful when you visit China.
Please click on any Chinese character that you need helped with to see its Chinese pinyin, pronunciation and meaning, and then follow me to read it.
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·¹µê: restaurant -- fandian ²Í¹Ý£ºrestaurant/ eatery -- canguan ²ÍÌü£ºdining hall -- canting ²Í³µ£ºdinging car -- canche ²Í×À£ºdining table -- canzhuo ²Í½í£ºnapkin / table napkin -- canjin
²Í¾ß£ºtableware -- canju µ÷¸þ / É××Ó: spoon ¿ê×Ó: chopsticks -- kuaizi ²Íµ¶: knife -- caidao ²Í²æ/ ²æ×Ó£º folk -- chazi
²Ëµ¥£ºmenu -- caidan µã²Ë£ºorder dishes -- diancai
³Ô·¹£ºeat / have a meal -- chifan ³ÔÔç²Í / Ôç·¹£º to have breakfast -- chi zaofan ³ÔÎç²Í / Îç·¹£º to have lunch -- chi wufan ³ÔÍí²Í / Íí·¹£º to have dinner/supper -- chi wanfan
Ôç²Í / Ôç·¹ -- zaocan/zaofan -- breakfast Îç²Í / Îç·¹ -- wucan/wufan -- lunch Íí²Í / Íí·¹ -- wancan/wanfan -- supper/dinner
]³ÔÖвͣºhave Chinese food -- chi zhongcan ³ÔÎ÷²Í£ºhave Western food -- chi xican
ÖÐ²Í -- zhongcan -- Chinese meal, Chinese food Î÷²Í -- xican -- Western-style food
²ÍºóÌðµã: dessert -- can hou tian dian ±ùä¿ÁÜ£ºice cream -- bingqilin
Å£ÅÅ -- niupai-- beefsteak ÖíÅÅ -- zhufan -- pork chop ÅÅ¹Ç -- faigu -- chop
Óã-- yu -- fish Èâ-- rou -- meat µ° -- dan -- egg
Êß²Ë-- shucai -- vegetable
Ë®¹û -- shuiguo -- fruit Æ»¹û -- pingguo -- apple Àæ -- li -- pear Ï㽶 -- xiangjiao -- banana ÆÏÌÑ -- putao -- grape Î÷¹Ï -- xigua -- watermelon Ïã¹Ï -- cantaloup ¹þÃܹÏ-- hamigua -- Hami melon ½Û×Ó/ ³È×Ó -- juzi / chengzi-- orange ÄûÃÊ -- ningmeng -- lemon ÌÒ×Ó -- taozi -- peach Àî×Ó -- lizi -- plum
ʳƷ -- shipin -- foodstuff (Ñà)ÂóƬ / (Ñà)ÂóÖà -- maipian -- oatmeal Ãæ°ü -- mianbao -- bread ÈýÃ÷ÖÎ -- sanmingchi -- sandwich Å£ÄÌ -- niunai -- milk
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to, or, You are also welcome to publish your opinions in Forum For Friends. :-) --Shirley Written, Translated and Recorded It On Sat, May 27, 2006