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Enjoying the Creative Writing -- Shirley's 121st Friendly Greeting-- Sun, Jan 5, 2008

Hi,Dear Friends

How are you? I do hope that you are well and have an easy and relaxed weekend.

Most of the people in the company started their business time on Wednesday for the New Year's Holiday. I started it since the first day of the holiday Dec 29, 2007. Last day of the holiday, I worked on my research report in my office for 7 hours, then I continued it for 5 hours at home. I had not a habit to take my company work in home and I had time enough to complete it in the other New Year's Holidays for they had at least 6 days. This year, it was only for 4 days and I was scared to come back home too late for I did not drive that day. I completed my writing at 2:30 am and I handed it at 9:00 am before the general manager office meeting on Wednesday.

My body was tired and my mind was excited, for many thoughts and ideas had been flowing out of my fingers naturally when I wrote. They were something about business with logicality; they were interesting as I was painting. I could see the feature of the company's organization, products, managements and the enterprise cultures in my mind as I was painting a picture. I painted with brushes and colors. I wrote with words, numbers and charts. Their languages and the materials were different; their nature was same.

I feel that a good painting should bring people an enjoyment with happiness or sadness; a good research report should bring some innovation and positive affect to a company¡¯s development and some people¡¯s work or lives with its new thoughts and theory. So, when I paint, I am easier, freer and more relaxed; when I write, I am seriously and carefully much more. But the excited mood is same.

I am happy that my work has gotten good comments. One of my proposals has been started to put in practice. We will set up a new data department or center to design, collect, maintain, manage, distribute and tail after our multimedia data via improving the database, warehouse and our management styles soon.

I do enjoy the creative writing even though it is very hard. I wrote it for 24 days, I had prepared it for about a half year. I had read many things and made work and reading notes daily. Even though I was in my business trip, I took a computer with me, to collect the opinions from the others. I do feel an especial enjoyment during the researching and writing process. Sometimes, I did not believe that I had a so good idea; Sometimes, I could not help to dance in my office when I found a fire of new thought.

I am making a 5 year's plan for myself: to retire earlier as an artist of painting, music and language or to continue to work in the company. If I chose the latter, I would write an academic book or a dissertation to summary my last 15 year's business practice in the Chinese Securities News and Information field within the coming 2 years via attending my second doctoral degree lessons, to move my 3 years¡¯ English lessons in the Beijing Foreign Language online later for 2 years. No matter what I will choose, I will not give up the art learning on painting, music and languages.

How about you? Have you had any short or long time plan for yourself?

Shirley Created Art -- Gouache--0110: Serenity
My teacher saw my 109th gouache painting and pointed that I should push the mountains far away. And the brushwork of my 108th gouache should be improved more. I was just given two 80 marks. So, I paid more attention to correct these problems when I was painting my new picture. I wanted to express the quiet of the house by the water in the bamboo and hope that you have felt that already. My teacher thought that I have done a good job, so, I got 90 marks. How do you think of this picture? Do you like it?

Shirley Introduced Chinese Popular Song--016: Often Going Back to Visit Parents
It is near the most important Chinese Festival: Spring Festival and Chinese New Year¡¯s Day Holiday. During the longest national holiday, as soon as we can, we will go come back home to visit our parents. As a nation that has a history for 5000 years, we admire the traditional culture to look after our parents after we has grown up. So, this week, I would like to introduce one of the most popular songs during the Spring Festival in China. I have translated it into English, but, I have had no time to record it yet. So, I just show you the original singing by Ms. Chen Hong. I do hope that is a little bit help to you to know more about Chinese culture and to improve your Chinese listening level.

Chinese Classical Poem 0107-0073- Lyric 006(By Zhang Zhihe) & Shirley Created Music-0087-0063: Yu Ge Zi -- A Fisherman's Song
It is funny that on the same day in 2007 and in 2008, I was writing a piece of music to match a same lyric poem. After I completed my creating job, I just found, that I had done the same work on the same day last year. Then, I introduced it as a Tang Poem. Right now, I would like to introduce it as an early lyric poem for it was created when the lyrics just started in Tang Dynasty, with a strong breath as a Jue Ju, but, there were some changes as a lyric already. So it has two names Yu Fu Ge and Yu Ge Zi and be considered as a poem and a lyric. Since lyrics are also freer poems, so we can see it as a lyric poem. I have re-translated it and sang it in English. Hope it will be a little bit help to you to learn Chinese.

I am just a learner on that art of painting, music, calligraphy, languages and to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do a little bit things with what I have learned to make this little web site to be An Electronic Bridge Of Culture Exchange, Friendship and Language Learning. To help the others while to improve myself.

I appreciate your understanding, directions and supports. I do hope to get your friendly help...

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to shirley@ebridge.cn or shirleyz004@yahoo.com. You are welcomed to publish your opinions in the forum.

Shirley Yiping Zhang
Written and Edited on Sun, Jan 7, 2008

Merry Christams & Happy New Year! ¨CShirley¡¯s 610th Friendly Greeting-- The 13rd one from Australia Dec 25, 2023
A New Travel & New Start ¨CShirley¡¯s 609th Friendly Greeting & Thanks-- The 12nd one from Australia Nov 26, 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -- Shirley's 608th Friendly Greeting - Dec 25, 2022
Thanks on Thanksgiving Day! -- Shirley's 607th Friendly Greeting - Nov 25, 2022
Study Life -- Shirley's 606th Friendly Greeting -Aug 18, 2022