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A New & Good Starting--Shirley's US Travel Diary -020 & 180th Friendly Greeting - Mon, Jan 12, 2009

Hi,Dear Friends

How are you? Are you enjoying your new week right now?

Today is the 104th day that I am in the US. It is also the first day that I start my new term in the US. At 10:00 am to 11:50 am, I attended an examination of Financial Management and I will attend the first lesson in the new term this evening, too.

After going out of the examination room, I felt quite easy and also some pity.

The easy is from the good feeling that I did not give up this lesson, but, I have tried to do my best to learn it. Since I came back from San Francisco at 2:30 am in the early morning on Dec 28, except moving into a new apartment, went to Wal-Mart once, I have not gone out of the garden of my new apartment until this morning, Jan 12, I involved myself into my lesson and studied for about 16 to 18 hours every day. For keeping clear mind, most of time, I did not turn on the heater. Many times, I used the ice water to wash my face to keep working into the midnights¡­

The pity is that I thought that I should do better since I had completed many more difficult questions and I have had a systemic understanding about CAPM, TYM and something about Forecast of Cash Flow, from conceptions, meanings, equations and calculations and so on. But, when I was in the examination room, I could not think of something quickly. Even, I forgot something very simple. When I went out of the examination room, I just thought of them¡­ Yes, it is a pity; it also tells me that my knowledge foundation needs to be stabled. The ability on responding quickly and the ability to fix an examination in English have to be improved.

Anyway, I feel good right now. Because, I have learned so many things from this part of the lesson and I have known much more than the examination itself... The most important thing is that I am getting interested in the lesson more and more. I have had some hints to find help in case I need help in my work and life after I come back to China. I do feel that this lesson is so helpful not only to a company's running, but also it is very useful to an individual, a family and anyone to accumulate and manage their possession, work and life...

So, as long as I have time, I would like to write a paper, to summary what I have learned, while to en-strong my own knowledge system on this part of this lesson.

From this lesson, I have some other strong feelings, too.

I feel, a science itself is a very serious and also beautiful thing. One hand, it lists and organizes something so cold and lifeless together, to build some alive, serious systems. Any little mistake must not be allowed -- this morning, a minus sign that I had missed, made my calculation to be repeated many times, wasted much time in the examination..

The other hand, I guess that you can not imagine. When I see these math signs in the equations, I often have a feeling that they seem like beautiful and they often make me have some association of ideas. So, I have made some pictures in my mind already. One of them is that I would like to make some ¡Æ's into my picture, let them as the mouths of my fishes, to swim in the water. Then, I would like to make the little ¦Ò's to be some bulbs on the water. Then I would like to create some water lilies with green leaves, pink, white and orange flowers. As far as the colors of my fishes, they should be from the recalling in my mind from SF, with yellow and white, or yellow and black fishes, or yellow and violet, rely on my needing. Then, I would like to create some music to match it, write some Chinese classical poem on it¡­. just like the Christmas Card that I had created on Christmas day...

I am thinking that when I mix the feelings and imagine that I have gotten from this lesson and the other science into my art of painting and music, what will happen to them? What are your ideas?

Ok,now it is the time to preview something for the other part of the lesson in the evening and to face the other examination on Friday...

I will talk to you later and hope to hear from you...

I am just a learner on that art of painting, music English and Chinese language, to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do a little bit things with what I have learned to make this little web site to be an Electronic Bridge of Culture Exchange, Language Learning & Friendship. To help the others while to improve myself.

I appreciate your understanding, directions and supports. I do hope to get your friendly help...

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to shirley@ebridge.cn or shirleyz004@yahoo.com, or to publish your opinions in the forum.

Shirley Yiping Zhang
Mon, January 12, 2009 From USA

Merry Christams & Happy New Year! ¨CShirley¡¯s 610th Friendly Greeting-- The 13rd one from Australia Dec 25, 2023
A New Travel & New Start ¨CShirley¡¯s 609th Friendly Greeting & Thanks-- The 12nd one from Australia Nov 26, 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -- Shirley's 608th Friendly Greeting - Dec 25, 2022
Thanks on Thanksgiving Day! -- Shirley's 607th Friendly Greeting - Nov 25, 2022
Study Life -- Shirley's 606th Friendly Greeting -Aug 18, 2022