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The 50th Friendly Greeting From Shirley, China, Sun, Aug 14, 2006

Hi,Dear Friends

How are you? Have you had a good week? I do hope you are well and have a relaxed and easy weekend.

This week, my 3 business projects and 1 management project entered a new step. The biggest one has become the main software development project to get more technology support. The two short term projects will be finished in the early of Sep, and the management project will be finished in Dec. Besides, I completed a paper over 10,000 words on how to learn the experience of Bloomberg (the U.S.) and Reuters (Britain) and innovate something in the company.... :-)

At home, many things were re-fixed this week: During the process, I feel the first class service in our city once more. :-)

I found one of air-conditions was dropping water last weekend, so, I called the service department of Mitsubishi at about 11:00 am last Sat. and it was ok at about 4:00pm on Sun. :-)

Monday night, one of my digital Televisions did not work and I called the digital TV company at about 0:35 and wanted to leave a message. However, I heard a girl clerk¡¯s voice. She asked me what she could help and she said that they work for 24 hours and my problem would be resolved within 24 hours. That was true, next noon, before 12:00, an engineer came to my home and made the digital television re-work. Can you imagine? Their daily service work is free. :-)

The thing that most wondered me is that on Fri, I called the Shenzhen branch company of China Telecommunication to ask to update my Broad Band connection at about 3:30pm. At about 5:30pm, I got a phone call from their fixing department to ask me when would be convenient for them to come to my home on Sat. Wow! I was so surprised and so touched by their super quick speed work indeed... :-)

As one of the builders of the city, I have taken part in the building of the city and I have seen with my own eyes -- how the city has changed to be a most modern one from a huge building site quickly. How the city has changed to be a so flourishing one from an empty one in the most of the holiday ? 13 years ago, even in the most important festival -- Spring Festival. Whole of the city was almost empty for most of people went back home in the inland. I have made a joke that in the Spring Festival ? if there were only two people in a bus, then, one would be the driver, the other would be you. :-) But now, no mater what time, there are always so many people, especially in the holidays and weekend, I am seldom go to the publish occasions as long as I can for too many people there. Now, more and more young people have chosen Shenzhen to develop, more and more elder people have chosen here to live. The modern skyscrapers, subway, international airport, Internet service, digital television, natural gas¡­ and its first class service has made the city to be the host of the International High-Tech Fair of China yearly, the International Culture Exposition of China yearly, the International Garden Exposition of China and the 26th World Academician Games. Our city has become one of the most modern cities in China and an International garden city in the world¡­

Chinese Xieyi--091(Flowers & Birds): Waterlily
I created this picture in my art lesson Wednesday evening. My teacher thought the best part of the picture is the leave of the water lily and thought it is a good picture except the lotus seed pod part needs to be improved.. Anyway, in my mind, except the problem that my teacher has pointed out, I also think that the grass part and the birds have not been in a mature situation, also, I should not paint the dots on the stalks too regularly. So, I do need to paint more for a practice. :-) Do you like this picture?

Shirley Sung Chinese (Xinjiang) Folk Song--0030: Why Is the Flower so Red?
I have kept my vocal music lesson on Sat evening for 3 years and 8 months. I like to sing something while I am cooking, driving, painting or walking, it has not only previewed or reviewed my lesson, but also it has brought me more thoughts, happiness, smiles and progress on singing skill. This Sat, I suddenly felt that I have known how to use my head cavity to help me to sing ? I felt my head was buzzing, as a huge bellows to help the breath from my abdominal cavity and thorax to enter in my head cavity to push my voice out. My teacher was so excited for the progress so that she shouted: "Good! Very Good! Finally, we have resolved the big problem for a long time ? how to use your head cavity." :-)

Chinese Classical Poem 0052 & Shirley Created Music-0042: Qiu Si -- Missing in the Autumn
According to Chinese solar term, the 7th of August is the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term) this year. In Chinese culture, autumn not only relates to harvest, but also relates some feelings to miss or worry family or friends who are still in some places far away when the weather starts to cool day and day... So, there are thousands and thousands classical poems have written this kind of content. I do hope the poem that I have chose for you will help you to understand more about Chinese culture and I do hope the music that I have created and my singing will be a little bit help to your Chinese learning.

Chinese in Current Affairs -- 0017(Sentence:144--146):China encourages more foreign investment in high-tech sector
Along with the reform and opening of China, more and more foreign companies and organizations have invested in China. Since the later 1970's, foreigners have invested more than 650 billion U.S. dollars in China and 470 of the world's top 500 companies from 200 countries and regions have invested in China. China has become one of the most attractive nations for multinational investment. So, this weekend, I would like to offer you a few new sentences in Chinese and hope it is a little bit help to you to know more about China and Chinese language...

I am just a learner on art, music, English and the work on the web site in my free time. Anyway, I would really like to do a little bit things with what I have learned to make this little web site to beAn Electronic Bridge Of Culture Exchange, Friendship, and Language Learning. During the process to help the others and to improve myself. :-)

I do appreciate your understanding, directions and supports. I do hope to get your great help continuously now and in the coming time...

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to shirley@ebridge.cn , or shirleyz004@yahoo.com, You are welcomed to publish your opinions in the forum,too. :-)

Written and Edited On Sun, August 14, 2006

Merry Christams & Happy New Year! ¨CShirley¡¯s 610th Friendly Greeting-- The 13rd one from Australia Dec 25, 2023
A New Travel & New Start ¨CShirley¡¯s 609th Friendly Greeting & Thanks-- The 12nd one from Australia Nov 26, 2023
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! -- Shirley's 608th Friendly Greeting - Dec 25, 2022
Thanks on Thanksgiving Day! -- Shirley's 607th Friendly Greeting - Nov 25, 2022
Study Life -- Shirley's 606th Friendly Greeting -Aug 18, 2022