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Bilangual Song--044: Shirley Sings A Chinese(North) Folk Song -78 "Wang Ningmei -- Frowning In Vain" in English & Chinese in the US--011

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song In English May 23, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Chinese May 23, 2009 in the US

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song In Chinese Oct 7, 2007 in China

This is a popular Chinese love song that was created according to a famous Chinese poem by one of the greatest Chinese litterateurs who lived in Qing Dynasty (1644 -- 1912) Cao Xueqin - Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in( 1724 -- 1763) in his famous Chinese classical novel Hong Lou Meng -- A Dream in Red Mansions.   

Before 1949, almost all of Chinese, included the emperors lived in the arranged marriages by their parents or family. People who pursued free love could not been accepted by the society and public.

This song/poem just writes a sad love story between a young girl -- Lin Daiyu and a young man -- Jia Baoyu. Both of them grew up together and fell in loved each other freely. But their love could not be admitted by their families. With endless sadness and sorrow, the girl was dead in the night that boy was tricked to get marry another girl. After knowing to be tricked and the girl had been dead, the boy was mad and he gave up his rich life in the rich family and became a Buddhist monk...

I have been enjoying this song since I heard it first time about 20 years ago. I had been wishing someday I could sing it in person since it seemed like having a too high tone at that time.   

Then in 2006 and 2007, I learned to sing it in my music lessons.

Friday afternoon and night, I felt serious stomach-ache, rather than to lie in the bed to suffer the ache, I wanted to do something meaningful while to reduce my pain with “my own sport of breath” ?   singing and painting not only my hobbies and dreams, but also they are often some effective medicine of mine.

Then I re-translated, re-sang this song in Chinese and in English. I really hope that my effort will be some help for you to know more about Chinese culture and Chinese language, to improve your listening ability.   

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song In English May 23, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Chinese May 23, 2009 in the US


One is a flower in the fairyland,
The other is a jade flawless.
If we have no luck,
why I have met him?
If we have a luck,
why my love to him is nothing?

Ah... Ah... Ah...

One is sighing alone,
the other is missing for nothing.   
One is a flower in the mirror,
the other is the moon in the water,
How many tears are in my eyes (ah)?
How can I be weeping one year and one year?

Ah...Ah... Ah...


枉凝眉-- Wang Ningmei
曹雪芹 -- Cao Yueqin

一个是阆苑仙葩-- yige shi langyuan xian pa,
一个是美玉无瑕-- yige shi meiyu wuxia。
若 说 没 奇 缘 -- yao shuo mei qiyuan,
今 生 偏 又 遇 着 他 -- jinsheng pian you yu zhuo ta;
若 说 有 奇 缘 -- ruo shuo you qi yuan,
如 何 心事 终 虚化 -- ruhe xinshi zhong xuhua!

一个枉自嗟呀 -- yige wangzi jie ya ,
一个空 劳 牵 挂 -- yige kong lao qiangua;
一个是水中月 -- yige shi shui zhong yue,
一个是镜中花 -- yige shi jing zhong hua。
想眼中 -- xiang yan zhong,
能 有 多 少 泪 珠儿 -- neng you duoshao leizhu er?
怎经 得 秋 流 到 冬尽 -- zen jing de qiu liu dao dong jin,
春流到夏 -- chun liu dao xia!

Listen to Shirley Singing the Song In English May 23, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Singing the Song in Chinese May 23, 2009 in the US

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to, or, You are welcome to publish your opinions in Forum For Friends. :-)   

--Shirley Zhang
Translated, Sang & Recorded in 2006, 2007 in China
Re-Edited, Re-sang and Re-recorded on May 23, 2009 in the US.